Things on Mind

... Stay up 24/'s a must ...
... watch anime...
... overturn day and night ...

Feels like saying

Think before you act,
think before you speak.
Understand the situation,
don't jump into conclusions.

Monday, October 27, 2008

today not a bright day

I'm basically blank, i have no idea what to write.
I was really tired even though i slept at 1:30am yesterday.
I was awaken by 2 calls both asking me to attend a study session.
God! Early in the morning i expect somebody to kiss me awake(how sweet), but somehow i receive calls to study.(i'm just kidding about the kiss part)
The only thing in my mind is STUDY KILLS ME.
I can't focus, and i can't even hold a book for a minutes or half.ARGH!!! I GOING MAD.
Please let the exam pass quick.

Am i experiencing stress? I think so. Well i would definitely be better if somebody cheers me up.
Being a teenager is quite hard so far.

Ah well! i'll just stop here my head hurts.

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